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Andrew's horror novella, 'The Bathtub', is now available.

The Wood and The Shoot

I've always thought of these two stories as very much linked.  Although in different genres, they involve the same main characters and 'The Shoot' originally started as a flashback scene in 'The Wood'. 

'The Wood' is a novel about Kathleen Mahoney and some of her friends who have been invited to take part in a 'live' role playing game to celebrate the publication of her book debunking Celtic myths.  The group have no idea the wood they explore contains the very creatures of myth Kath's book tries to disprove.  The friends find themselves unprepared for their fight to the death against man-wolves, grotesque Fomorians and other beasts from Irish myth.

The idea for 'The Wood' came to me only slowly.  I love films like 'Alien' and 'Predator' and more recently 'The Descent' where monsters chase humans through confined spaces (spaceship corridors in Alien; jungle paths in Predator; caves in The Descent) and I wanted to do something similar but unique.  The idea of having characters hemmed in by a magical skull-lined path took time to develop, but worked for me because it was both unusual and tied in with the darker Celtic myths I wanted to use as a backdrop.

'The Shoot', a female/female erotic novella, deals with Kath's first love, an ex glamour model-turned-photographer called Robyn.  It never sat comfortably as a part of 'The Wood', but with help from erotic writer Gianna Bruno I turned it into a stand-alone which to my surprise has had some of the best reviews of any of my books.

Here's the buy link for 'The Wood', and here's the link for 'The Shoot'.

Reviews - 'The Wood'

"...I'd say it's excellent!" (5/5!)

"...skilled pacing..."

"...this one really did grab my attention and hold it."

 " enjoyable, fast-paced romp through fantasy and horror."
Full review
Carole Johnstone, author, Eternal Press and others
Reviews - 'The Shoot'
"Sexy, Fast paced, Stimulating and a good erotic read."
Full review (17/20!)
Seriously Reviewed

"I was moved by the sensitive portrayal of female friendship and a woman’s struggle with her sexual identity."
Full review
Gianna Bruno, author, Eternal Press

Plus two five-star reviews on Goodreads.

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